What is the link between sunlight and depression?

Inner Dawn Counselling - Sun and depression

You would have noticed that a bright sunny day with clear skies, makes you feel lot more upbeat than a rainy cloudy day. On a rainy cloudy day, you might feel like curling up in your bed and having a hot cup of cocoa. A bright sunny day makes you feel more energetic and puts a spring in your step.

Influence of Sunlight on your body:

In reality it is not just the presence of a bright sun, but how much you are exposed to it that determines the level of influence that it has on you. Appropriate sunlight exposure, in particular, to UV-B rays makes your body generate Vitamin D. Vitamin D has been found to have significant impact on how your body absorbs Calcium from your food intake, which makes your bones and teeth strong and long lasting. There is a growing body of evidence that shows that Vitamin-D also has a positive influence on Depression and Mood, though there is  a lot of research going on to understand the how of it.

Depression and Vitamin D

There is a lot of Research going on about, how vitamin D produced in our body through exposure to sunlight, or taken through food has an influence our moods and on depression. Vitamin D acts on certain enzymes in our body, which are related to the production of serotonin – a neurotransmitter which has a direct influence on our moods and there-by on depression.

Serotonin is one of the important neurotransmitters, which is usually found to be low when you are depressed. As a matter of fact, many latest medications for depression are of a class called SSRI (Selective Seretonin Reuptake Inhibitor), which act to increase the amount of serotonin available in our brains.

So how to get more Vitamin D?

So vitamin D is generated in our body through exposure to sunlight, having foods that contain Vitamin D, or through supplements.

To generate a good amount of Vitamin D in the body, through sun light, your need to expose your skin to the sun rays, the middle of the day, between 11 a.m. to 4 P.M. This is the time when the UV-B rays can reach the earth surface. Exposure to sunlight through glass does not allow UV-B rays to reach you. Sunlight during early morning or late evening also does not contain UV-B rays.

At the same time don’t allow yourself to be sun burnt either. 10 to 15 minutes of exposure of skin  – preferably on your hands, legs and body (avoid the face) without any sunscreen would be a good enough start.  And no, you can’t get excess Vitamin D from the sunlight. You also can get Vitamin-D through food, or can take vitamin D supplements if needed, as per your doctor’s advice.

Depressed or not, Good exposure to Sunlight and Physical activity can elevate your mood:

To have good enough exposure to sunlight, you would need to step out doors. During an activity in the sun also would energize your body, and mind.  As a Psychotherapist, I recommend my clients who are mildly or moderately depressed to engage in atleast one physical activity for minimum 15-30 minutes and it is all the more better if they can do it in bright sunlight.

So put on your shoes and get out there in the bright sun. Depressed or not – it can elevate your mood and energize you for the rest of the day.

About the Author:

Kala Balasubramanian is certified Counselling Psychologist/Psychotherapist with a Masters in Counselling and Psychotherapy, Diplomas in Counselling and has further certifications, specializing in couple/marriage/relationship counselling and family counselling.  She provides a supportive, understanding, professional and confidential environment to work with clients – Individuals and Couples, enable them to explore their emotions, help them understand and manage their challenges, relationships and stress better.